It was on my way home from a field workout, I was on my bike, the air was crisp yet there was a hint of warmth. The aroma of fresh blossoms wafted through the air as I pedaled my way to the park and it simply made me smile.
I've been hiking the hills in our backyard and out on my bike more than I would have thought these past couple of weeks and I have to say that I'm really enjoying my riding time. I'm feeling stronger and can speed through sections that I'd normally be dogging, besides it's been so nice out after all of the rain we've had. The trails are still kinda sloppy in some parts, but oh so nice and tacky in others.
Anyway, I'm just sitting here now after a hot shower reflecting on the ride and workout and how much I'm looking forward to the next time I can get out on the trail.
Happy Trails!