Sunday, June 15, 2008


This morning I got up, made coffe, packed up and headed out to meet a new friend(s)from last weekend and drive up to Plattekill for the day.

Paul kept talking Plattekill up saying how different it was from Mt. Creek, how much more flow it had and just how it's such a local gem. Back in the day I had a friend drive from MI to race Plattekill and get broken off so badly it pretty much ended his short DH career. Needless to say, years later, riding up there I was a bit intimidated.

We arrived to a dirt parking lot, a small wooden two-story lodge and the owner standing outside the door. A small local operation indeed! No frills, no fluff, just a black and white map that showed miles and miles of trails that resembled a "choose-your-own-ending" story.\

I have to say, I was charmed. I love gritty little local places that focus more on the base reason they exsist in the first place instead of catering to namby-pamby little fluffy pretty people who just want to be seen. Nope, it was just a rider's mountain...well, riders and the flies. Thousands and thousands of swarming flies. Buzzing. EVERYWHERE! Apparently some governmental agency planted them here to get rid of the caterpillar problem, and supposedly the flies only last about a month. Hrm..we'll see.

They had the "Slow boat to China" chairlift running. An old-school two-seater that crept up the hill at it's own leisurly pace. It was the place and chair that time had forgotten. We boarded and up we went.

Paul was an amazing trailguide. He expertly hooked up the network of trails into a flowing rollercoaster of fun. Over rocks and roots, through some chutes and drops. The place just kept going!

We did catch up with a few other Western misplacedians such as myself. A fellow Michigander, Alicia, who had actually just relocated from CO and Tanner who had also just moved from NorCal. What a small world this is!

Again, I'm sorry that there are no pictures. Someday! someday there will be photos, I promise, but for now, get out and ride, for it is summer!
